Friday, June 27, 2014

Loved Sharing Glass w/the Children...

This past Saturday, I set up my tables in a newly built Pavillion at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre.  THANK GOODNESS for the fans above and a perfect position to catch an everflowing breeze, 'cause I wouldn't have made it through that 90 degree day!  Here's a pic of my location amongst the trees:

I was incredibly impressed how many Children wanted to work with the glass (and adults too)!  I scheduled about 6 classes, 1 hour each, figuring that was enough time.  Within an hour they were all filled!!  Teachers & parents had warned me to keep the classes short because the kids won't sit that long.  Well, the first class was a total of 5 minutes long!  :-D LOL  Those kids sat down, made something, and were gone!  Most classes after that were shortened, which worked out well!  I was SO grateful for one of my adult students who volunteered to help out for a few hours, glad she stayed the day... as it was incredibly busy between the classes and preparing their creations for firing!  I was able to catch a shot of some students creating... and look at some of these fabulous creations (before firing)!  :-D

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